Capital intensive automobile manufacturing plants produce a large volume of high quality vehicles. But they also must be flexible to handle a wide variety of rapidly changing models. Only the most versatile, reliable, and ergonomic equipment is used in modern automotive plants – and that is exactly where you will find Conductix-Wampfler products.
In the early stages of manufacture, electric overhead traveling cranes ( EOT) handle steel coils, foundry parts, and raw materials. Transfer cars take tooling and materials to and from the presses in the press shop. Components are transferred by Electrified Monorail Systems ( EMS) to the body shop, where “bodies in white” (BIW) take shape. EMS or powered skid conveyors move raw car bodies to the paint shop. Large scale Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems ( AS/RS) provide a storage buffer for just-in-time sequencing of assemblies. Automated guided vehicles ( AGV) and rail guided vehicles (RGV) are used at the drive train pre-assembly lines and at the “marriage line” (chassis decking). In final assembly, EMS and conveyors operate under the ceiling, while skillet lines work at floor level. Assembly workers need workstations, hoists, tool balancers, and tool transports for required tools, as well as electric and pneumatic power to operate them.
We offer a wide range of energy and data transmission solutions to work alongside the full spectrum of automotive manufacturing processes. Whether it is to provide power and data for cranes, electrified monorail systems, conveyors, transfer cars, skillet systems, or assembly tools, Conductix-Wampfler has the right solutions for the need.
Conductor Rails–power EOT crane runways, electrified monorail systems ( EMS), transfer cars, flexible conveyor systems and large-scale AS/RS.
Cable Festoon Systems – manage cables for EOT crane bridge travel, AS/RS systems and manage assembly line electric and compressed air lines for power tools.
Inductive Power Transfer (IPT®) – provides contactless power for transfer cars, skillet lines with lift tables, Automated Guided Vehicles ( AGV) or Rail Guided Vehicles (RGV).
Electric/Compressed Air Systems, Tool Transports, and Balancers – to increase productivity and safety on assembly lines, our systems provide easy access to assembly line tools, constant electric and compressed air for power and ergonomic assists.
Spring-Driven Cable Reels – provide external 12V energy supply for the vehicle testing and for different types of transfer cars.
High-speed Cellular Buffers – to cushion impacts on lift stations and turntables.
Jay Radio Remote Controls – offer a safe way of operating or monitoring machines from a distance. The comprehensive range of industrial and safety radio remote controls offers countless solutions to adapt to an extensive number of automotive applications.
Automated Guided Vehicles - Assembly line for construction machines
Reference Report
Vehículos autoguiados: línea de ensamblaje para máquinas de construcción
Línea de ensamblaje para máquinas de construcción
Clayton, Carolina del Norte
Oficina del representante
Conductix-Wampfler Inc. (EE. UU.)
Requisito/s técnico/s
Suministro de energía eléctrica sin contacto para vehículos autoguiados
Longitud del carril
337 m (2 interruptores de carriles)
Cantidad de vehículos
16 (+ 1 vehículo de repuesto)
Información adicional (vehículo)
- Peso: 4,3 t
- Carga útil: 19 t
Velocidad de trayecto (carga)
5,5 m/min
- IPT® (transmisión inductiva de energía)
- iDAT
Información adicional del producto
Con iDAT para guía, posicionamiento y transmisión de datos
Energía eléctrica
- Captor en forma de F de 2,5 kW (2 unidades por vehículo)
- Suministro de carriles IPT® de 16 kW ( 5 unidades)
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Inductive Power Transfer Floor
Additional information
Generally the basic function of Floor systems is the same as that of other Inductive Power Transfer systems. But there are some additional or specific aspects to consider.
The cable loop must be installed in a way that complete coverage of the supply of vehicles along the entire travelling path is given. This way installed the cable routing also defines the travelling path of vehicles. With inductive track guidance it is possible to detect the magnetic field around the cabling and to supply a guidance signal to the vehicle control and to control so the movement of the vehicle. Unwanted and expensive guidance slots become obsolete this way. Various travelling paths can be defined. Switches, crossings, etc. are no problem. The pickup just needs to be placed so that it is exposed to the magnetic field in a sufficient way.
Conductix-Wampfler USA
10102 F Street
Omaha, NE 68127
United States
Phone: +1 (402) 339-9300
Fax: +1 (402) 339-9627
Toll Free: (800) 521-4888
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