Bulk Material Handling

Conductix-Wampfler offers Energy & Data Transmission System for Bulk Material

Although most global trade travels by container, a substantial portion is handled as bulk cargo. Dry bulk cargo facilities process, store, and move a wide range of minerals, ores, agricultural goods, and forest products. Many bulk facilities run 24/7, so the material handling machinery must be heavy-duty, safe, and easy to maintain. Durable and reliable energy and data transmission systems are needed to power stacker / reclaimers, tripper conveyors, ship loaders and unloaders, radial stackers, stack racks, hoppers, and cranes, as well as processing equipment such as crushers and sizers. Electrification must be customized to the type of machine, the application, and the specific material being handled. In addition, many electrification systems must withstand dusty environments, corrosive materials, and even hazardous (explosion-proof) conditions.

Customized Conductix-Wampfler energy and data transmission products are well suited to the demands of the bulk handling industry. Our decades of experience and broad product range insure that customers will get the best possible solution. Our customers’ global activities are supported with our turnkey systems and strong after-sale service from our worldwide sales and engineering network.  We offer:

Motor-Driven Cable Reels – monospiral or level wind reels to handle main power and data transmission  cables or hoses for long-travel stockyard machines such as stacker/reclaimersMotorized reels feature magnetic clutch or variable frequency drive (VDF) with special  slip ring assemblies and  fiber optic transmitters for uninterrupted energy and data transmission.

Festoon Systems – for dusty and harsh environments, highly reliable  festoon systems provide  cable management for  crane bridge travel, ship loaders, and bulk conveyors. These run on  I-beams or on  square “diamond” track to minimize the collection of debris and to yield the best possible performance.

Energy Guiding Chains – depending on the application and the  cable package, heavy duty  energy guiding chains can be used in linear or circular applications to manage cables and hoses on bulk machines.

Cable Protection Systems –  Trenchguard and  CoverZip cable protection systems increase the life of  cables that lay in a sub-surface trench.

Conductor Rail Systems – specially designed and highly durable  conductor rail systems can be used to power moving equipment. We offer anti-corrosion protective coatings, if required.

Spring-Driven Cable Reels – can be used for vertical or horizontal movements of bulk handling machines without the need of energy for the operation of the reel.

Jay Radio Remote Controls –  offer a safe way of operating or monitoring machines from a distance. The comprehensive range of industrial and safety radio remote controls offers countless solutions to adapt to an extensive number of bulk material handling applications.

Ship Unloader in a harbor
Ship Unloader in a harbor
Ship Unloader in a harbor

Descargador de barcos

Descargador de barcos de un puerto





Oficina del representante

Conductix-Wampfler AB (SE)


Akzo Nobel

Requisito/s técnico/s

Suministro de energía eléctrica principal para un descargador de barcos


Enrollador pata cables motorizado "Sprinter"


SX-12 KSM NSHTÖU 3 x 240 + 3G120/3

Longitud de bobinado
86 m

Alimentación de energía eléctrica

Alimentación central

Altura de montaje

4 m

Unidad de mando

motor trifásico con embrague magnético


Máx. 630 A


1000 V

Dirección del sistema


Longitud del carril (sistema)

86 m

Distancia de trayecto (carga)

172 m

Velocidad de trayecto (carga)

50 m/min

Aceleración máx. (carga)

0,2 m/s2

Condiciones medioambientales

Clima portuario/marítimo

Relevant Products

Motor Driven Reels
Heavy Load [HL] Series

  • Conductix-Wampfler USA

    10102 F Street
    Omaha, NE 68127
    United States

    Phone: +1 (402) 339-9300
    Fax: +1 (402) 339-9627

    Toll Free: (800) 521-4888

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